Le Puit

We are blessed with two natural water-sources on the property. The most obvious of these is the well – le puit. There is also a fontaine, or water course on the western side of the property.

[The Well]
The well is built into the wall of the raised garden.

I can’t remember exactly who or when, but I recall working in the garden some years back when a couple of jovial local Creusois started chatting to me. They made a point of telling me that my well was the best in the village and that for many years they had diluted their pastis with water from the very same! Now I love a good pastis but I’m pretty sure it would render all but the most non-potable water vaguely drinkable. One of these days I’m going to have this local assertion tested by professionals.

It’s true, nevertheless, that when I had the septic tank installed very strict conditions were imposed by S.P.A.N.C. owing to the proximity to the natural water sources on the property.

[water table]
The water table is perhaps two metres below ground

The lid of the well is formed by a massive single stone disc that form part of the garden wall. I fully intend to rehabilitate the winch and chain one of these days soon. I’ve even managed to source a bucket that will suit the ensemble.

[wooden bucket]
This will look great when I get around to fixing up the well a bit!

I am indeed blessed to have both  a well and a fontaine on the property.

[La Fontaine]
La Fontaine