[Make & Mend]

Project Photos

We’ve been working on this house since 2007, mostly during the Easter holidays. When we’re not there we rely heavily upon our fabulous English builder, Steve Vagg, from La Coterie Enterprise to carry out capital works in our absence. I’m his oldest customer. In this way we’ve slowly dragged this old property into the modern era whilst maintaining as much of its charm and original features as we possibly can.

Our aesthetic is very much of the ‘make and mend’ variety. We believe in re-using and re-purposing, largely valuing the Old above the New. If it can be salvaged we want it – even if we don’t quite know what to do with it….. yet.

Part of our ambition with this house has been to fill it with objects which all have their own story. Each item has been deliberately selected from among others of its kind as an exemplar, if you will. We have sought out what we take to be excellent examples of each thing we wanted to put in this house. It does not need to be ‘perfect’. If we are happy with it, that is enough.